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I'm a Bristol yoga teacher, meditation coach and men's work facilitator, since 2014, I've been helping people:

* Manage anxiety, stress & depression

* Build strength & flexibility

* Explore a meditation practice

* Increase fitness levels

* Develop a personal yoga practice

* Smile more


”Yoga is the dance of every cell to the music of the breath.”Debasish Mridha


If you’re an experienced yogi, Namaste. If you’re completely new, or feel like a beginner, welcome, you’ve got a great journey ahead of you. (Heads up, feeling like a beginner is THE place to be.) 

Not simply postures, Yoga is how we think, how we work with challenge and ultimately how we make friends with ourselves; enjoying our bodies as we move through life. 


I've seen how yoga can benefit every-body, irrespective of age, experience, size or flex-i-fucking-bility;  Yoga transforms. It teaches us to start where we are. Right here. Right Now.

Right! Let's do this!


"True meditation is about being fully present with everything that is, including discomfort and challenges. It is not an escape from life, but a celebration of it all.”Craig Hamilton



You may not have realised you have a say in what and how you think. Perhaps you've tried meditating, coming to the conclusion that your mind was too wild. I know that mind only too well, but luckily there's NO mind too wild.


Science confirms the potential for stress and anxiety reduction, lowered blood pressure, improved sleep and better concentration. Rigorous testing's proved it’s not magic, just practice.


My goal isn't to erase our prickly parts (although this may happen), but instead to get in approval and make friends with these aspects. Befriending these parts is when shit gets real. This is when genuine magic starts to come into play.


"You are the sky, everything else is just the weather." Pema Chodron


Yoga goes way beyond what happens on the mat, just as meditation’s so much more than the moments you're sitting (or laying down.) These are the vehicles to take us to a more joyful, connected and meaningful life. Challenge doesn't go away but changing how we approach it defines who we are and how we feel.

Improving our relationship with our body-mind is the foundation to make tectonic shifts in our life. Altering our relationship with the inner world, evloves the relationship with our outer world, shaping the people around us and the environments and situations we find ourselves thriving in.


"It's not about how clumsily we fall over, but how gracefully we get back up again."James Huxley



Since my first yoga teacher training in 2014 I'm learning a lot, including exploration of Buddhist and Yogic meditation, energising tantric breathing practices, fitness, Capoeira, Eastern & Western interpretations of yoga, fasting, diets, and subsequently anti-diet culture,  and men's groups. 

So far my journey has taken me to Himalayan caves, Sri Lankan ashrams, indigenous Amazonian villages, European beach retreats and wet muddy festivals where nobody wanted to do yoga. (Let alone funk soul Yoga.)

I'm passionate about self-empowerment, feeling, laughing, embracing challenges, making change and finding the joy and playfulness, even in times of contraction. I love music and DJ (listen here) and have run a series of workshops with hip-hop and yoga. When I'm not teaching yoga, I may well be making music doing cartwheels or skateboarding.



Having waxed lyrical about myself already, here's what some other people think of me...

Rob 25|03|22


"F**k. That was amazing. You c**t"


Lynne 25|03|21

Macmillan Unit

"Welcoming to all and very accepting of individual needs. James was a pleasure to work with so positive, kind and cheerful."


ALI 25|03|20


"James is one of the most authentic yogis I’ve met, not because his Sanskrit or knowledge of the sutras is amazing (though they are pretty good) but because he acts and speaks from direct experience, gained through a deep personal practise. His teaching comes from exactly the same place, which allows his students to truly open, laugh, see more clearly and be vulnerable, while being held with love and non judgement." 

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